Thursday, October 30, 2014

Farewell To Canada

As our 10th day on the road passes into evening, we say farewell to beautiful Canada. We enjoyed our stay emensely. we are in awe of the beauty of the Banff, Kootenat, Jasper area and really like the neighborhood that our new friends in Calgary enjoy. A big thanks again to Pauline, Dennis, Dylan, Robert, and Joanne. When you are 3000 miles away from home, a hot cooked meal and friendly faces sure makes all the difference in the world! We have now crossed the border and are back in the United States. Crossing back in was no big deal. We were asked the same questions as before. He saw where were are from and asked where we worked. We talked a bit about that, he smiled, and waved us on in. We have racked up 4000 miles and are headed south to Yellowstone. Excited to see what is in store for us ahead. Side note: our global data package with Verizon was ok, but we had to watch it closely. There was no voice package at all. So if I didn't respond to emails or phone calls right away it's because of that. Things should improve now that we are back in the states as long as we have a connection.


  1. Oh to drop a fly in that river and go fishing!

  2. Brian - there were lots of people fishing. I want to go back and that and go kyaking.
