Monday, October 27, 2014

Night Sets on Our Day in Banff

God smiled on us today, the clouds lifted, and the beautiful sun came out. We went to Lake Louise and the conditions were perfect. The picturous reflection was there!!! We were in awe. What a gift!!

We came back and took the gondola ride to the top of Sulphur Mountain where you can see all the mountain ranges and the town of Banff below. YES!! I walked to the top of the radio station with no fear!! :)

Kicking back with a fire and quiet dinner and evening in our condo tonight. A night of much needed rest.

Thanks to all for supporting our blog with your comments and invites. We are making new friends and see missed framily along the way filling our hearts and restoring our faith.


  1. Holy cow, that is AMAZING!!!! :) great pictures!

  2. WOW!!! That first picture is AMAZING!!! MORE PLEASE!!! :)

  3. Thanks guys!! We were speechless! It was so cloudy yesterday. I could not believe the clouds lifted!!

  4. These were taken with my cell phone. I can't wait to see the shots from our cametas. :)
