Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Ride To Banff

We made it successfully, Cubby too. The scenery up 93 through Eureka, MT through British Columbia, across the Continental Divide, and into Alberta was gorgeous! As we entered Kootenay NP we were in awe. We checked out the hot springs at Radium and will be going back down to swing there.

Crossing the boarder was no big deal. We were the only ones in line. He took both of our passports, asked where we were going, how long we are staying, asked if we had a valid rabies certificate for cubby, asked us if we had fire arms, and a bunch of questions related to Ebola and that was it.    The request he had was that Russ sign his passport.

The gas stations list their prices different from us but we found a converter online.

Verizon was very helpful with turning on a global data packaging today. We are just to call then when we leave the country and they will turn it off.

Banff Rocky Mountain Resort upgraded us to a premiere unit for no extra cost. The fireplace is wood burning and they have already delivered 2 bundles.

We ran into snow as we crossed the Continental Divide. They are calling for more tonight. The guy at the lodge recommended that we take the gondola in town to the top where can see all four national parks.

We went into town, stocked up on groceries, and had dinner. Cute mountain town! :) Everyone is so nice and polite. We have had our first Canadian beer. It was delicious! We had salads and 100% beef burgers. Everything was fresh and yummy!

I have included pictures that we took along the way today. Enjoy!!


  1. My biggest issues crossing the Canadian border were always coming back into the U.S., not leaving. Of course the issues were never that big. I think the longest was a half hour delay to search the car. Of course, most times were between 16 and 24 when I lived 20 minutes from the border and my friends and I would go over on a whim...Darcee

  2. Thanks Darcee. Good to know. We stored anything that would be questionable. Probable overkill but better safe than sorry. :)
