Tuesday, October 21, 2014

First Day's Destination Reached - Ohio

We just crossed  a cool bridge into Gallipolis, Ohio. Up until now we have been reminiscing about places we have been before. We now begin talking about our 'firsts'.

It started with Charleston, WV. Let me say what a beautiful city. It was night time and the town tower was lit up magnificently. If it hadn't been raining, I would asked Russ to stop.

The highway ended and we followed US 35, a two lane highway through beautiful farms which eventually took us across the bridge to Gallipolis, OH.

We are about 30 minutes from our hotel, so I'm saying good night.

A few administrative things before I go. Turns out if you want to post you need a Google account. One other thing, my phone  and I have disagreements with what I am trying to say. The phone autocorrects and I go back and change it. Sometimes I catch it, some times I dont. So pardon our disagreements. :)

I leave you with one last picture of Cubby. He discovered the navigation today. He thought the flashy pointer was a bug. Hahaha


  1. Another note from my experience: If you want to comment, you need a gmail account like Karen said...When you are going through the process, it will ask if you want to switch to a "limited blogger profile"...I would say YES, it makes things easier and allows you to have a Display name that is not your full name. :)
